Here I am. It’s 6:31 am, and I’m on the way to Bremen
airport to take my first flight to Frankfurt, and then FRaNKFuRT-BoSToN.
Honestly, I’m excited-nervous. This will be my first time in USA. I’m going to
the FAMOS school and workshop. FAMOS is the acronym for Forum for ArcticModelling & Observational Synthesis, and it has
become a very important meeting for Arctic Ocean climate.
Tomorrow, the FAMOS School starts. Although I’m not a
PhD student, I wanted to attend because the school consists of a series of
one-hour lectures given by very good and reputed Arctic Ocean researchers. So,
simply I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to listen all of them. On
Wednesday, the workshop starts with just a few talks in each topic, but with
long time for discussion and poster sessions until Friday when the workshop