Cuando empecé el blog trabajaba en el Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Ocean Research (http://www.awi.de/en/home/) en Bremerhaven (Alemania). Ahora trabajo en el Instituto Español de Oceanografía en Gijón (España). Puedes encontrar más información sobre mi trabajo aquí.
Hi, my name is Raquel Somavilla. I have done a lot of things, but basically I'm oceanographer, and as you can imagine: I love it! Otherwise, what could be the reason to start a blog where share it with all of you and tell you about the importance of the ocean and climate science. But here you will not only find oceanography, because as a person working in science and a postdoctoral researcher, I move quite often, not only from one city to another but to a different country. Nowadays, each three or four years, which brings all kind of experiences to write about. I hope you like you it.
When I started the blog I worked at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Ocean Research (http://www.awi.de/en/home/) in Bremerhaven (Germany). Nowadays, I work in the Spanish Institute of Oceanography in Gijón (Spain). You can find more information about my work here.
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